Pre-filter sponges are a simple and cheap way to increase the filtration in your aquarium. They not only help your filtration system to be more efficient they also have several other benefits...
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Firemouth Cichlids are an omnivorous fish that eat both meaty protein and plant/vegetable matter. This makes them easy to feed in an aquarium setting and adds variety to feeding...
Getting the filter flow rate correct in an aquarium/fish tank is important for the health and happiness of the tank's inhabitants. It also helps to keep tank maintenance levels down...
Although Hatchetfish swim, feed and breed, close to the water's surface it doesn't mean that the rest of the tank should be left bare. The general tank environment is important for them...
A spawning mop is a simple but useful aquarium tool. Whether you take the time to make your own mop, or opt to buy one, you're likely to get the same result. So the choice is...
Hatchetfish are an egg scattering fish that are considered hard to breed. Although it's not impossible to breed them. But that does depend on which type of Hatchetfish you're keeping. And also on...