Ramshorn Snails | An In-Depth Guide Their Care

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Aquarists have a love-hate relationship with Ramshorn Snails. Some people think that they’re valuable members of a tank. Others regard them as pest snails. So let’s take a closer look at these snails so that you can decide for yourself whether they’re right for your aquarium.

Ramshorn Snails (from the Planorbidae family) are small aquatic freshwater snails. They get their common name because their flat shell forms a spiral pattern similar to that of a Ram’s horn. And there is also a small hole in the centre of the spiral which a normal part of their shell design.

The fleshy part of their body is either black or red. However, their shells can be different colours. Most of the Ramshorn Snails that you see in an average pet store generally have either brown or grey shells. But more specialist aquatic dealers often have Ramshorn Snails with blue, orange, red and even spotty shells. You can sometimes find other colour variations too.

In their native habitat Ramshorn snails live in freshwater streams, small ponds and lakes. But whichever one they live in the water contains plants, tree/leaf debris and pebbles/rocks. They can be found in Europe and also on many other continents around the world. But some people believe that the most common place to find them now is in the aquarium hobby.

The Ramshorn Snails that you buy from a Pet Store/Aquatic Dealer/Online are likely to be aquarium bred rather than wild caught. But knowing something about their native origins is not only interesting it’s useful knowledge if you’re planning to keep them.

So that’s a brief introduction to Ramshorn Snails

But what about the more specific questions that you’re bound to ask if you want to keep Ramshorn Snails in your aquarium?

Let’s get started on your in-depth care guide to keeping Ramshorn Snails

1 . How Big Do Ramshorn Snails Get?

Ramshorn Snails can grow to approximately 1 inch (2.54 cm) in diameter. This is only an average size because some can be a little bigger and some a little smaller depending on variety. But it’s not far off the mark as a general rule. It can take several weeks for a baby Ramshorn Snail to reach it’s maximum size. And as the snail grows it’s shell grows with it as a natural progression.

2 . How Long Do Ramshorn Snails Live For?

The average lifespan for a Ramshorn Snail is around 1 year. Although some have been known to live as long as 2-3 years depending on tank conditions, the quality of their food and their care. Unfortunately their lifespan can also be short. It’s not uncommon for them to die not long after they’ve been moved to a new tank.

It’s not always easy to tell if an aquarium snail has died. But there are a few tell-tale signs to look out for. For more information and tips read my article ‘How To Tell If Your Aquarium Snail Is DeadOpens in a new tab.‘.

Young Ramshorn Snails Sharing An Algae Wafer

3 . What Do Ramshorn Snails Eat?

Ramshorn Snails are omnivores which means that they eat both meaty protein and vegetation/vegetable matter. And they’re definitely not picky about what they eat.

Ramshorn Snails spend all day grazing on the algae, biofilm and decaying plant matter that naturally occur in an established tank. They also feed off of leaf litter such as Catappa, Oak, Banana and Mulberry leaves as they breakdown in the water. However, they do need other types of food in their diet.

Here’s some of the foods that you can offer to your Ramshorn Snails

They will also graze on Alder Cones and Seed Pods plus other natural types of tank debris. And if they’re sharing a tank with fish they will eat any leftover fish food that they find. Basically they will eat almost anything. Which makes them a good clean-up crew to have in your aquarium and good housekeepers in a snail only tank.

Tip: A feeding dish with a feeding tube is useful for feeding snails of all kinds. It’s also handy for shrimp and bottom feeding fish. A dish helps to keep the food in one area of the aquarium. Which makes it easier to remove leftover food from the tank.

If you would like to add a feeding dish, or dish and feeding tubeOpens in a new tab. (Amazon link) to your tank there are lots available. The feeding tube needs to sit at least 0.78 inches (2 cm) above the waterline to allow easy feeding. Although you can have the top of the tube sitting as high as you like to suit your aquarium. So be sure to measure the height of the water from the top of the substrate to above the usual fill level of the tank before you buy.

How To Feed Your Ramshorn Snails

Most food for Ramshorn Snails can be dropped straight into the tank. They’re great at finding the majority of it in a relatively short time. However, some of the food will be lost amongst the substrate, particularly within loose forms of substrate like gravel. And waste food will pollute the water column making it smelly and unhealthy. So it’s important not to overfeed your snails.

Using a feeding dish with a feeding tube, or even one without a tube, is an easy way to reduce food waste and water pollution. And the good news is that they’re cheap to buy and easy to install. They also help to reduce the amount of tank maintenance you need to do because they keep the majority of the food in one place. Which makes cleaning the tank a lot easier to do.

How To Feed Vegetables To Your Ramshorn Snails

Ramshorn Snails love vegetables. Here’s a few that you can treat them to.

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Courgette (Zucchini)
  • Broccoli
  • Cucumber
  • Cauliflower
  • Lettuce

And on the sweeter side of things you can try them with a little watermelon or even a slice of banana. There a lot more fruit and vegetables that you can try with your Ramshorn Snails. So it’s worth experimenting a bit to see which ones they like best.

If you have a feeding dish in your tank put the fruit/vegetables into that because it makes it easier to clean up the leftovers.

Tip: You need to soften the vegetables first by simmering/microwaving until the veg is soft enough for the snails to eat. Let the vegetables cool down to room temperature before putting them into the tank. Soft fruits don’t usually need to be softened but you may have to soften any harder fruit that you offer .

How To Feed Protein Foods To Your Ramshorn Snails

Despite their love of algae and vegetables Ramshorn Snails need some protein in their diet too. A good quality flake or pellet food will contain both meaty protein, veg and additional nutrients to keep your snails healthy. But a little extra protein is always welcomed.

Bloodworms, Mosquito Larvae and Brine Shrimp are popular ways to feed Ramshorn Snails a little extra protein. They will eat other types of protein packed organisms too. So you could experiment a little if you want to.

You can usually buy protein foods either frozen or dried at Pet Stores, Aquatic Dealers and Online.

I prefer to buy mine dried rather than frozen. The reason for this is that, despite it’s big appetite, the Ramshorn Snail only has a tiny mouth. Dried bloodworms for example, are so much easier to crush down to size for my snails. I admit that I’m a little squeamish too. I really don’t fancy having to chop live, or even defrosted Bloodworms, up before I put them into the tank.

Once I’ve crushed the dried bloodworms down I soak them in a little tank water for a while. Usually for about 10 minutes. Rehydrating them means they will start sinking more quickly rather than floating on the top for ages. Then I just drip them slowly down the feeding tube so they land in the feeding bowl. If you don’t have a bowl and tube you can just tip them into the tank.

It’s up to you how you want to do it. But remember not to overfeed your snails or you’ll have a difficult job removing any excess from the aquarium.

When it comes to meaty snacks Ramshorn Snails will also eat any fish, shrimp or even other snails, that die in the tank. It might sound a bit gruesome but it’s just nature.

It’s still best to remove any dead tankmates as soon as you spot them though. If you leave it too long and the deceased starts to decay you can end up with a big ammonia spike in the tank water. Which will put all of the tank community at risk.

Tip: Live protein foods are unlikely to be eaten by your Ramshorn Snails because they are scavengers not hunters. So you need to make sure you buy dead protein foods.

How Much And How Often Should You Feed Your Ramshorn Snails?

You can feed your Ramshorn Snails as frequently or infrequently as you like. But that’s as long as you take their tank conditions into account. Ramshorn Snails that live in an established snail only tank that has plenty of plant debris, biofilm and algae will need feeding less often than ones in a less mature tank. And Snails that live in a community tank, where their tankmates are fed a couple of times a day, may only need a little extra food as a treat now and again. So it’s a case of using your judgment. The main thing is don’t overfeed the tank whether it’s a snail only or a community tank.

Live Aquarium Plants

Will Ramshorn Snails Eat My Aquarium Plants?

Even though Ramshorn Snails love to eat green stuff they rarely eat aquarium plants. They will eat decaying plant leaves. And also the algae that is growing on the leaves. Which can make it look as if they are chewing on your healthy plants. But this is usually not the case.

However, whether Ramshorn Snails eat healthy plants is a bit of a contentious issue. Some snail keepers say they do, and others say they don’t. It’s all down to personal experience.

If you believe that your Ramshorn Snails are eating your healthy plants to destruction there’s a couple of things that you can do. Either change your softer leaved live plants for more coarser leaved plants, or swap to artificial plants.

Also making sure that your Ramshorn Snails are adequately fed so they don’t feel the need to eat your plants is a great help. Don’t overfeed them though or you’ll have a really messy tank and a lot more tank maintenance to do.

Overall, and in my personal experience, aquarium plants are usually safe from being eaten by Ramshorn Snails.

Tip: If your Ramshorn Snails are too well fed with other foods they will eat far less algae, biofilm and dead plant matter. So if you want to encourage them to keep your aquarium clean be sparing with the rest of the food.

4 . What Tank Water Conditions Do Ramshorn Snails Need?

Ramshorn Snails prefer aquarium water that’s a little on the hard side. The reason for this is that harder water contains more calcium than softer water. Calcium is important for the healthy growth of their shell which grows with them throughout their lifetime.

You can measure the hardness of your water by using an aquarium water testing kit.

I’ve got the 6 in1 ‘dip-strip’ type testing kitOpens in a new tab.  (Amazon link) from the Tetra range. There are lots of other types of testing kits available to buy in store and online. But I chose this one because of it’s good reputation, and more importantly for me, because its easy to use.

Tip: If you use a dip-strip type of testing kit you can double it’s use by cutting the strips in half from top to bottom. They’re still as effective and by doubling their use you will save money. It’s one of the fishkeeping hacks I’ve picked up over time.

How Can I Increase The Hardness Of My Aquarium Water?

If you live in a soft water area there are ways that you can increase the hardness of your aquarium water.

Here’s a few things that fish/shrimp/snail keepers use to increase their tank water hardness

  • Crushed Coral
  • Cuttlebones
  • Egg Shells
  • Calcium Rich Rocks (eg Limestones)
  • Liquid Aquatic Water Hardening Additives

As you can see there are different ways to increase the hardness of your aquarium water.

Tip: Before adding any type of Water Hardening Product to your tank get some expert advice from your Pet Store, Aquatic Dealer, or from a reliable online source. And don’t forget to take the needs of your Ramshorn Snails’ tankmates into account too.

Another way to make sure that your Ramshorn Snails have enough calcium to grow their shells successfully is to provide the calcium through their diet.

Feeding them good quality foods, and adding extra calcium rich vegetables to the menu, can make all the difference to the strength of the snail’s shell.

Although diet won’t increase the hardness of your tank water, calcium rich veggies like broccoli, spinach and kale are good for your snails.

If you think that your water supply is the problem get some expert advice on how to improve its quality.

Water Changes And Ramshorn Snails

Ramshorn Snails are tolerant of different water conditions and can even survive in fairly dirty water. However, they do far better in well maintained tanks where the water is kept clean and stable.

You can keep the tank water stable by having an efficient filter, carrying out regular water changes and regular tank maintenance.

Regular tank maintenance also helps to keep the levels of Nitrites, Ammonia and Nitrates in check. All of which, but particularly the Nitrites and Ammonia, can be deadly to snails (fish and shrimp) if they’re allowed to become too high.

When it comes to water changes it’s best not to overdo it. Water changes of between 10-25 % every 2-4 weeks are usually enough for most snail only tanks. However, if your Ramshorn Snails live in a community tank you may need to carry out partial water changes weekly depending on who their tankmates are.

If you think there’s a problem caused by water quality test your water and do a water change if indicated. But remember that large water changes can drastically, and suddenly, alter the water parameters. So go steady with this so that you don’t upset the balance of your aquarium too much each time.

5 . Do Ramshorn Snails Need A Filter?

Using a filter in a Ramshorn Snail tank helps to keep the water clean. It also oxygenates the water because as it moves the water around it breaks the surface allowing oxygen in. Ramshorn Snails are not fussy about the speed of filter flow in their tank. Which is helpful if they’re sharing a community tank and their tankmates need a particular level of water movement.

So any filter that you’re already using will do as long as it’s efficient in oxygenation and filtration. And if you’re setting up a new tank choose the filter that you either need or prefer to use.

There are many different types of tank filters on the market. But Sponge filters, in my opinion, are ideal for a snail tank. And also for fish, shrimp and community tanks. Click the link to read my article ‘What Is An Aquarium Sponge filter?Opens in a new tab.‘ for more information about this type of filtration.

6 . Do Ramshorn Snails Need A Heater?

The ideal temperature range for Ramshorn Snails is between 18-25 Celsius (65-78 Fahrenheit). Although they can tolerate temperatures a little lower and also a little higher than this. Which is one of the reasons that Ramshorn Snails are considered hardy and easy-care. And because they cope well in a wide range of temperatures they don’t usually need a heated tank.

But this isn’t always the case.

Here’s a few reasons why you might need to add a heater to your Ramshorn Snail tank

  • Your Climate – If your home heating is off for most of the day due to work and other daily commitments, and you live in a cold climate, you may have to heat your Ramshorn Snail tank to at least 16 Degrees Celsius (60.8 Degrees Fahrenheit).
  • Tank Housing – If you house your Ramshorn Snail Tank in a shed, outhouse, or other unheated building, you might have to install a tank heater during the colder months of the year.
  • Tankmates – If your Ramshorn Snails live in a community tank with other kinds of snails, fish and/or shrimp you have to take their tankmates needs into account too. You’ll need to find a happy medium in temperature to keep everyone in your aquarium fit and healthy.
  • Plants – Just like the Ramshorn Snails’ tankmates plants need to be taken into consideration when it comes to temperature. You may need a heater in the tank to keep up a temperature that suits the plants as well as all your other tank inhabitants.

So you may need a heater. But then again you may not. It’s a case of getting the balance right. And how you do that will depend on your own circumstances.

Tip: Ramshorn Snails are great escape artists and often climb out of tanks. While these snails can survive out of water for a short while they won’t be able to get back into the tank. To avoid losing any of your snails this way it’s advisable to have a close fitting lid on your aquarium.

7 . Do Ramshorn Snails Need A Tank Light?

Ramshorn Snails don’t have to have a tank light to survive. But there are a couple of good reasons for having a light in your tank. Firstly, a light helps to mimic the effects of night and day that happen naturally in nature. Also, a tank light allows you to see the life going on in your aquarium. Without a light a tank just looks like an uninteresting dark box in the corner of your room. So if you want to enjoy seeing your tank inhabitants it’s worth getting a light for your tank.

You don’t need a really bright light for Ramshorn Snails. But they’re not fussy about the lighting level. If you need a bright light for their tankmates or your live plants they won’t mind at all. Just get an affordable tank light that does the job for what you need.

If you would like more information about tank lighting read my article ‘How Does Lighting Affect Your Aquarium?Opens in a new tab.

8 . Do Ramshorn Snails Need Live Plants?

Technically you don’t need to have live plants in a Ramshorn Snail tank. They will be happy with artificial/fake plants along with pebbles/rocks and a substrate. Basically anything that algae and biofilm will grow on, along with the food that you put into the tank, will do. But live plants provide dead leaves and other grazing areas for Ramshorn Snails which they enjoy and benefit from. Live plants also help to keep the tank water clean by using up nutrients in the water column to grow.

There are a lot of easy-care aquarium plants to choose from. So you can choose ones that you like the look of. But if you’re worried that your snails might eat your plants it’s best to choose coarser leaved plants rather than softer ‘fluffy’ ones.

Macro Photo Of A Ramshorn Snail’s Shell

9 . Are Ramshorn Snails Pest Snails?

Whether the Ramshorn Snail is considered a pest is a matter of opinion. If you’ve chosen to add them to your tank then you’ll be happy to see them there. If, on the other hand, they hitchhiked into your tank you may not be happy about it. And you may consider them as a pest that needs getting rid of. It really does just come down to how you feel about them.

Just like some other types of small aquatic snails Ramshorn Snails can arrive as hitchhikers on the plants that you add to your tank. If you don’t want a surprise snail population in your aquarium you need to be careful where you get your live plants from. Go for ones that are guaranteed as pest free.

How To Get Rid Of Ramshorn Snails

There are a few ways to rid your aquarium of Ramshorn Snails. These methods also work for other types of unwanted snails that are breeding in your tank.

Here’s what you can do to rid your tank of unwanted snails

  • Remove Them By Hand – Remove the egg sacks as soon as you see them. You will need to scrape them off of the hard surfaces to get them out of the tank. Pick up and remove all the snails that you can see. Doing this every few days is best so that they don’t get big enough to start breeding. You need to be consistent with this method and it can take several weeks to completely eradicate the snails. So stick with it and have a little patience. You’ll get there in the end.
  • Set A Snail Trap – You can buy a snail trap to capture the snails. You may need to bait the trap to entice the snails in depending on what style of trap you use. Empty the trap and repeat the process until you’re sure you’ve removed all of the snails. You will have to repeat the process several times. There are a lot of different snail trapsOpens in a new tab. (Amazon link) to choose from so pick one that you think will be better for your particular aquarium.
  • Add Snail Eating Fish – Another option is to add fish to your tank that love to eat snails. Particularly baby snails. This will help to keep the population down. Or get rid of them completely. But you do need to be careful with your choice of snail eating fish. The fish need to be compatible with the other tank inhabitants that you don’t want to get rid of. Assassin Snails are another option. But again you need to be careful because they also eat shrimp, other small snails, fish eggs, and fish fry at their wiggler stage.
  • Snail Treatment Products – There are products that you can buy that kill off aquarium snail populations. However, you need to be really careful because they will kill all of the snails in your tank. Even the ones you want to keep. They can also be harmful to your fish, shrimp and other types of tank inhabitants. So make sure you know exactly what the treatment will kill before adding it.

What Should I Do With The Aquarium Pest Snails I’ve Caught?

Once you’ve caught your live pest snails you’ll need to dispose of them. You can either bag and bin them (with or without crushing them first) or give them to a local Pet/Aquatic Store that’s happy to take them off your hands. It’s best to check with the store first before you take them in. Please Don’t release them into a local waterway or flush them down the toilet. An influx of a snail species can be invasive and destructive to local waterways. Particularly if the snails are not native to your country/region.

10 . Fish/Shrimp/Snails – Tankmates For Ramshorn Snails

Because Ramshorn Snails are small, peaceful, and non-aggressive, they need tankmates that are like minded. And also ones that are not likely to eat them either!

I’ll start off with some of the fish that will live peacefully with your Ramshorn Snails. Then I’ll move on to some of the shrimp that won’t bother your snails. And finally, I’ll give you some ideas for other types of snails that will be happy to share your Ramshorn Snail tank.

Here’s some of the fish that make good tankmates for Ramshorn Snails

Click the links to check out my articles that give more information about these potential tankmates.

There are lots of other fish that will live quite happily with your Ramshorn Snails. So if you don’t fancy any of the fish on my list have a word with your Pet Store, or Aquatic Dealer, for some other suggestions.

Note: Depending on when you’re reading this article I’ve likely to have added more articles/info about the other fish/snails/shrimp that are on the lists above and below. Plus articles about other easy-care aquarium inhabitants. So it’s worth searching the site for any that you’re interested in keeping.

Let’s move on to Shrimp tankmates.

Here’s some of the shrimp that make good tankmates for Ramshorn Snails

Click the links to read my in-depth articles about Amano Shrimp and Cherry Shrimp.

There are other kinds of non-aggressive shrimp that can share your Ramshorn Snail tank. So if your snails live in a heated tank you could also keep Caridina shrimp such as Crystal Reds/Blacks plus others that prefer warmer water.

Here’s some of the snails that make good tankmates for Ramshorn Snails

Click the links to check out my articles that give more information about these potential tankmates.

  • Nerite SnailsOpens in a new tab. (various including Horned ‘Bumble Bee’ Nerites)
  • Mystery Snails
  • Malaysian Trumpet Snails
  • Rabbit SnailsOpens in a new tab. (aka Elephant Snails)
  • Bladder Snails

One snail to avoid if you want your Ramshorn Snails to breed successfully is the Assassin Snail. They eat baby snails which will reduce your Ramshorn Snail population.

Young Ramshorn Snails Floating And Breathing Air At The Surface Of The Water

Tip: Ramshorn Snails have a pulmonary sac that allows them to breathe air. You will often see them floating upside down at the waters surface taking in oxygen.

11 . Is My Ramshorn Snail Male Or Female?

Ramshorn Snails are Hermaphrodites. This means that each snail has both male and female reproductive organs within their body. So a Ramshorn snail is never just either male or female.

12 . How Do Ramshorn Snails Breed?

Because Ramshorn Snails are Hermaphrodites any two Ramshorn Snails can get together to breed. Ramshorn Snails are also believed to have the ability to reproduce Asexually. Which means that they don’t need a partner to help them to reproduce. They can just do it on their own creating replicas of themselves.

How Often Do Ramshorn Snails Breed?

Ramshorn Snails are prolific breeders. If they’re happy with their environment and food supply they will breed continually. And that’s goes for whether they mate with a partner or just reproduce asexually on their own. The speed of their reproduction rate is the main reason that some people consider them to be pest snails. But if you’re planning to breed them you will be delighted by how many baby snails you have in a short space of time.

How Many Babies Do Ramshorn Snails Have At A Time?

Ramshorn Snails produce on average between 10-12 eggs at a time. It can vary a little between individual snails and also between each batch produced.

Macro Photo Of Ramshorn Snail New Egg Sac
Macro Photo Of Ramshorn Snail Eggs – 7 Days

What Do Ramshorn Snail Eggs Look Like?

Ramshorn Snails lay/deposit egg clusters in a clear/opaque jelly-like sac that can be up to 1 cm (0.39 inch) in diameter. Inside the sac you can see what looks like an almost honeycomb arrangement of snail eggs. As the snails develop they become easier to see with the naked eye (see photos above).

The egg cluster is often attached to smooth surfaces such as the tank glass, filter casing and tank decorations. But the clusters can also be deposited on the substrate. In fact Ramshorn Snails will deposit their eggs on almost anything including broad leaved plants.

How Long Do Ramshorn Snail Eggs Take To Hatch?

It takes around 2-5 weeks for Ramshorn Snail eggs to hatch. The hatching time is influenced by tank conditions and tank temperature. Better conditions and a warmer temperature speed things up. That also goes for the general reproduction rate too.

How Big Is A Baby Ramshorn Snail?

A newly hatched Ramshorn Snail is tiny. In my experience they tend to be about 4mm (0.157 inch) in diameter but that can vary. As soon as they emerge from the egg sac they start on a search for food. Their shells are thin and almost clear. But as they grown their shell gets thicker and more colourful which makes them easier to see in the tank.

What’s The Breeding Age For Ramshorn Snails?

Ramshorn Snails generally start breeding when they reach about 1 cm (0.39 inch) in diameter. Although they can start reproducing when they’re a bit smaller than this. How long they take to reach this size will depend on feeding and tank conditions. So trying to give an idea of breeding age is difficult. The main thing to remember is that they start breeding at a very young age. And as soon as they are able to breed they multiply at a fast rate!

Pet snail or pest snail? Either way the Ramshorn Snail is an interesting addition to an aquarium. So if you’ve chosen to keep them enjoy having this attractive little snail around.

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